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Vision, Mission, Values

Transparency Seal
Corporate Governance
Freedom Of Information


We will be the leading energy exploration and production company in the Philippines by 2030 with global reach and the partner of choice in exploration and production contributing to the country’s growth and development.


We are an enterprise, whose core business is energy exploration and production. Our work is performed by a corps of dynamic, highly competent and motivated personnel, and is anchored on the pillars of economic viability, environmental sustainability and social responsibility. We are committed to the furtherance of the national objective of energy security through exemplary performance in all our undertakings.


Integrity. We strictly adhere to ethical and moral standards of fairness, honesty, and accountability in all our undertakings.

Professional Excellence. We perform all our undertakings in an exemplary manner by adhering to the highest standards of competence, commitment dependability, and responsibility.

Loyalty. We are loyal to the company and its mission, based on a system of meritocracy and fairness.


Teamwork. We work together harmoniously toward common goals.

Patriotism. We place the interest of the country above all else in all our endeavors and undertakings and are committed to the national objective of energy self-reliance.


Projects and Operations

In line with PNOC EC's mandate of providing a stable energy supply for the Philippines, the company is also involved in the exploration, development and production of coal in the country.

PNOC Exploration Corporation’s presence in the Philippine petroleum industry spans over 30 years, with its role evolving from that of a catalyst and promoter of local petroleum exploration to that of

PNOC EC's Trading and Marketing business continue to serve the fuel requirements of its industrial customers with coal supply coming from its own COC 41 small scale mines and other indigenous sources.

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