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Corporate Profile

PNOC Exploration Corporation is the upstream oil, gas and coal subsidiary of the state-owned Philippine National Oil Company. A government-owned and controlled corporation, the Company was incorporated on 20 April 1976 and is mandated by the government through the Department of Energy (DOE) to take the lead in exploration, development, and production of the country’s oil, gas, and coal resources.

At present, PNOC EC has seven (7) petroleum Service Contracts (SCs), namely: SC 37 (Cagayan), SC 38 (Malampaya), SC 57 (Calamian), SC 58 (West Calamian), SC 59 (West Balabac), SC 74 (Linapacan), and SC 75 (Northwest Palawan). The Company is the operator in SC 37, SC 57, and SC 59 and an active partner in SC 38, SC 58, SC 74, and SC 75.

PNOC EC operated the first natural gas facility in the country, the San Antonio Gas Power Plant in SC 37, being supplied by indigenous natural gas resources. In 1999, PNOC EC farmed-in into SC 38 for a 10% stake including participation in the Malampaya Deep Water Gas-to-Power Project, the country’s single biggest investment of its kind.

PNOC EC also holds four (4) Coal Operating Contracts (COCs), namely: COC 41 (Malangas), COC 122 (Isabela), COC 185 (Buug-Malangas), and COC 186 (Imelda-Malangas). As part of its coal business, the Company also trades coal through its coal terminal located in Malangas, Zamboanga Sibugay.  

In support of the local upstream petroleum industry, PNOC EC used to operate the Energy Supply Base (ESB) in Mabini, Batangas which provided berthing, cargo handling, storage, and warehousing facilities to its energy and commercial clients. However, on January 1, 2018, PNOC took over the operations of ESB from PNOC EC.

PNOC EC Head Office is located at Building 1, Energy Center, Rizal Drive, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City, 1634.

Projects and Operations

In line with PNOC EC's mandate of providing a stable energy supply for the Philippines, the company is also involved in the exploration, development and production of coal in the country.

PNOC Exploration Corporation’s presence in the Philippine petroleum industry spans over 30 years, with its role evolving from that of a catalyst and promoter of local petroleum exploration to that of

PNOC EC's Trading and Marketing business continue to serve the fuel requirements of its industrial customers with coal supply coming from its own COC 41 small scale mines and other indigenous sources.

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